Role title: Member of the BSI Member Representative Forum
Accountable to: Chair of Member Representative Forum
Term of office: Four years
The Member Representative Forum is the Society’s ‘think tank’ committee which ensures the views of the membership are fed into Society activities. Areas of particular focus include career development, public engagement, public affairs, membership support and representation and partnership work. The membership of Forum is diverse and designed to represent the breadth of the Society’s membership, including individuals from all career grades and immunology sectors. The voice of all Forum members is equally valued in discussions.
The Chair of Member Representative Forum reports to the Board of Trustees quarterly on Forum’s work. Forum members are expected to fully participate in discussions, working with staff to ensure that the views and expertise of Forum members are fed into relevant BSI projects and that Forum members proactively bring issues of importance to the membership to be discussed at meetings.
Forum members are appointed for four years. If an elected member has served a term as a member of the Forum, they must take a break and may not serve again as a Forum member until two years have elapsed. They are expected to attend four Member Representative Forum meetings per year held both virtually and in person in London. These are unremunerated positions but expenses such as travel are met by the Society. Members who do not attend for three consecutive meetings will be asked to leave the committee.
Forum member responsibilities:
- Participate and contribute ideas and proposals and flag up areas which should be given consideration.
- Be familiar with current trends and issues of relevance to the Society.
- Be willing and able to engage with members of the immunological community to glean and disseminate information.
- Consider issues pertinent to the many diverse interests of the Society’s members.
- Actively contribute to documents such as government consultations or policy documents in specific areas, working with staff to create readable and accurate information.
- Be prepared to participate in small working groups on topic-specific projects as appropriate.
Composition of Member Representative Forum
- Chair of Member Representative Forum
- President
- Careers & Education Secretary
- Public Engagement Secretary
- BSI Chief Executive (ex officio)
- Other elected members, representing sectors of the membership, including but not limited to:
- Four regional representatives (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland)
- Up to four early career representatives
- Two clinical representatives
- One industry representative
- One veterinary representative
- Two PhD representatives
Definition of positions
- Clinical representative: an individual working in the clinical sector. This can either be a clinician, healthcare scientist or other healthcare professional from any career stage and from any relevant clinical specialty.
- Industry representative: an individual who works in the industrial/commercial sector.
- Veterinary representative: an individual working in veterinary immunology.
- Early career researcher representative: up to and including researchers within three years of completing their PhD. Allowances are made for career breaks.
- PhD representative: researchers who are in the first three years of conducting their PhD. Allowances are made for career breaks.
Person specification
- A demonstrable commitment to the Society and to immunology. Must be a current member of the BSI.
- Fair, independent judgement and a willingness to speak their mind.
- Adhere to and promote the BSI Code of Conduct and the principles of our Diversity & Inclusion framework.
- Aligned with the BSI values – ambitious and committed, evidence-based and responsible; collaborative and inclusive; agile and energetic.
- An ability to work collaboratively and collectively, accepting consensus.
- A willingness to deal with conflicts of interest and loyalty.
- Should give enough time, thought and energy to your role, for example by preparing for, attending, and actively participating in all Member Representative Forum meetings.
- A willingness to engage with members, act as an ‘ambassador’ for the BSI and promote its values and purpose