Our members are at the heart of what we do. We currently have over 4,300 members representing the diverse community of people working in immunology from academia and the health service to government and the corporate world in the UK and across the world. Our membership comprises immunologists from all career stages, from undergraduate to senior members.
Members are involved in a range of our activities from sitting on committees, attending and taking part in events, contributing to our publications and journals, volunteering at public engagement events and driving our policy work.
Membership satisfaction is very important to us. We were delighted that our latest membership survey in 2015 showed that our members value what we do, with 9 out 10 stating they would recommend the BSI to their colleagues. Our members said:
The professional society for my chosen career.
It provides a broad platform for all those interested in immunology whether they are immunologists or use immunology in their research work.
Good opportunities for networking, regular communication to members, public representation of the field and helpful financial support for attending meetings.
The BSI is a valuable asset for immunology news, teaching resources, research dissemination and collaboration. It is a tangible resource with easy communication and represents a dedicated group of people working together to promote immunology.
If you are interested in joining the BSI, you can find more information here.