Prior to starting your specialty training you need to have completed a medical degree followed by the two-year Foundation Programme. If you have already made a decision to pursue a career in immunology, try to get experience in this specialty or a related area.
I'm fascinated by immunology because inflammation and the appropriate resolution of inflammation are of enormous importance in such a wide diversity of human physiological and pathological processes, from autominnuity and infections to development and ageing. Understanding these concepts helps us better understand clinical medicine, develop new interventions and ultimately care for patients more effectively.
- Medical student
Skills and interests
The skills and interests you will need include:
- using statistics and computerised data
- dealing with a wide variety of clinical problems and working across different specialties
- handling dual clinical and laboratory responsibilities
- good basic immunology knowledge
- having a good grasp of the techniques used in the immunology laboratory
- working closely with scientific colleagues and providing clinical leadership to the laboratory
Demonstrating NHS values
If you're applying for a role either directly in the NHS or in an organisation that provides NHS services you'll be asked to show how you think the NHS values apply in your everyday work. The same will be true if you're applying for a university course funded by the NHS.
Other information
Find out more about the Foundation Programme.
This page was adapted from the NHS Health Careers website.