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COVID-19 Q&A videos

On this page, you will find video Q&A sessions about vaccines for COVID-19. We took questions from the public on our Instagram channel and explore the details of how vaccines work, how long immunity might last, how herd immunity can protect us, the importance of receiving two doses, why the vaccines are safe, ingredients found in a vaccine and lots more. The videos feature our BSI members and expert immunologists Dr Megan MacLeod, Prof Sheena Cruickshank, Dr Nigel Francis, Dr Donald Palmer, Dr Ane Ogbe, Dr Louisa James, Dr Matt Taylor, Dr Anne Corcoran, Dr Bnar Talabani, Dr Dammy Pinheiro and Dr Ryan Thwaites. 

It’s important to understand and address vaccine concerns that are prominent in public discussion and may lead to hesitancy to vaccination. By answering your vaccine questions, the BSI hopes to provide expert information to help everyone make informed decisions about vaccines and their health. 

We also have a special COVID-19 vaccine Q&A about fertility, pregnancy and breastfeeding with Dr Viki Male.

As COVID-19 vaccine development and the UK vaccine approval and roll out continue to evolve, these videos and answers are accurate at the time of recording.

COVID-19 vaccine Q&A part 11 with Dr Ryan Thwaites from Imperial College London, 10 December 2021

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COVID-19 vaccine Q&A part 10 with Dr Dammy Pinheiro from Imperial College London, 1 October 2021

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COVID-19 vaccine Q&A part 9 with Dr Bnar Talabani from Cardiff University, 29 July 2021

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COVID-19 vaccine Q&A part 8 with Dr Anne Corcoran from the Babraham Institute, 25 June 2021


COVID-19 vaccine Q&A part 7 with Dr Matt Taylor from The University of Edinburgh, 21 May 2021

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COVID-19 vaccine Q&A part 6 with Dr Louisa James from Queen Mary University of London, 31 March 2021

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COVID-19 vaccine Q&A part 5 with Dr Ane Ogbe from the University of Oxford, 5 March 2021

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COVID-19 vaccine Q&A part 4 with Dr Donald Palmer from the Royal Veterinary College, 12 February 2021

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COVID-19 vaccine Q&A part 3 with Dr Nigel Francis from Swansea University, 22 January 2021

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COVID-19 vaccine Q&A part 2 with Prof Sheena Cruickshank from the University of Manchester, 11 December 2020

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COVID-19 vaccine Q&A part 1 with Dr Megan MacLeod from the University of Glasgow, 30 October 2020

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Thank you to our members for the time and expertise provided in producing these Q&A videos.

For more information on how we're championing the critical role of vaccination and vaccine research in advancing global health, check out our Celebrate Vaccines website.