On this page, you will find videos about COVID-19 vaccines and fertility, pregnancy, breastfeeding and the menstrual cycle. We took questions from the public on our Instagram channel and put them to our BSI member and expert immunology scientists, Dr Viki Male from Imperial College London.
It’s important to understand and address vaccine concerns that are prominent in public discussion and may lead to hesitancy to vaccination. By answering your vaccine questions, the BSI hopes to provide expert information to help everyone make informed decisions about vaccines and their health.
COVID-19 vaccine development and the UK vaccine approval and roll out continue to evolve so these answers are accurate at the time of recording.
Discover our infographic with information about the COVID-19 vaccination in pregnancy.
COVID-19 vaccine & pregnancy Q&A update with Dr Viki Male, 19 May 2021
In this video, Viki explains the latest guidance (accurate at time of recording) and the importance of vaccination against COVID-19 during pregnancy as well as answering questions about breastfeeding, menstrual cycle and advice for those trying to conceive.
COVID-19 vaccine Q&A: fertility, pregnancy and breastfeeding with Dr Viki Male, 10 March 2021
In this video, Viki answer your questions and addresses long term effects of vaccines on fertility, vaccine safety during pregnancy, breastfeeding and much more.
For further information, please read this explainer written by Dr Viki Male: tinyurl.com/pregnancydata
Check out the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' information about COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant people.