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Celebrate Vaccines infographics

Celebrate vaccines logo

On this page, you will find a variety of infographics explaining different aspects of how vaccines work and how they protect you against disease. Feel free to print out or share on social media to show your support for vaccines.

If you are interested in translating these resources into another language, please email Please do not translate these resources without our permission.


Infographic explaining how vaccines work

How do vaccines work?

Save this PNG file image for use on social media. 

Download 'How vaccines work infographic' (PDF) (2 MB)
Download 'How vaccines work infographic' (PDF) (2 MB)
Infographic explaining herd immunity

What is herd immunity?

Save this PNG file image for use on social media.

Download 'What is herd immunity' infographic (PDF) (164 KB)
Download 'What is herd immunity' infographic (PDF) (164 KB)
Infographic explaining how effective vaccines are

How effective is vaccination?

Save this PNG file image for use on social media.

Download 'How effective is vaccination' infographic (PDF) (124 KB)
Download 'How effective is vaccination' infographic (PDF) (124 KB)