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The immunology of long-haul disease

BSI event
Bristol waterfront
Bristol Beacon, Bristol, UK
In person
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Innate and adaptive arms of the immune response together orchestrate the effective control of acute infection. However, in an endeavour to restore tissue homeostasis, it is increasingly clear that the immune system plays a long game in its negotiations with foreign, tumour and self-antigens that expose us to chronic disease. Infection and its sequelae, the immunosurveillance of cancer, and dysfunctional immunity manifesting as autoimmunity all show an evolution in immune function through time.

This one-day event, organised by the BSI Bristol Immunology Group, will present current research in these areas highlighting immunological mechanisms that evolve during the development and progression of disease.

Please follow @bsicongress on Twitter and check the event hashtag #BSIBristol23 for updates.


08:45 | Registration

09:20 | Welcome –  Lindsay Nicholson, University of Bristol

SESSION 1 – Infection and Immunopathology

Chair(s): Laura Rivino & Simon Eastham, University of Bristol, UK 

09:30 | Sarah Rowland-Jones, University of Oxford, UK – invited speaker

Comorbidities in African adolescents with preinatally-acquired HIV infection - a tale of two viruses?

09:55 | Borko Amulic, University of Bristol, UK – invited speaker

Neutrophils as protagonists in severe malaria

10:20 | Laura Pallett, University College London, UK – selected short talk

CD14 marks tissue CD8+T-cells instructed by myeloid cells and modulated by LPS

10:40 | Shishir Shetty, University of Birmingham, UK - selected short talk

The senescent secretome promotes expression of the fetal receptor PLVAP in human hepatic endothelium to promote monocyte transmigration

11:00 | Refreshment break, posters and meet the exhibitors

SESSION 2 – Autoimmunity, Inflammation and Immune Privilege

Chair(s): Lindsay Nicholson & Claire Naveh, University of Bristol, UK 

11:30 | Lucy Walker, University College London, UK – invited speaker

Fine-tuning costimulation blockade in autoimmunity

11:55 | David Wraith, University of Birmingham, UK – invited speaker

Antigen-specific immune intervention in long-haul autoimmune diseases

12:20 | Benjamin Jenkins, Swansea University, UK - selected short talk

Canagliflozin impairs T-cell effector function via metabolic suppression in autoimmunity          

12:40 | David Copland, University of Bristol, UK - selected short talk

IL-23 drives uveitis by acting on a novel population of resident ocular T cells

13:00 | Lunch, posters and exhibition

SESSION 3 – Cancer Immunology

Chair(s): Gareth Jones & Michaela Gregorova, University of Bristol, UK 

14:15 | Awen Gallimore, Cardiff University, UK – invited speaker

Breaking Down Multiple Barriers to Tumour Immunity: how to trigger the perfect storm?

14:40 | Maike De La Roche, University of Cambridge, UK – invited speaker

Hedgehog signalling in immune cells: novel biology and treatment opportunities

15:05 | Jessica Oliver, Cardiff University, UK - selected short talk

Investigating the impact of radiation on the immunopeptidome of colorectal cancer cell lines

15:25 | Hanin Alamir, University of Bristol, UK - selected short talk

TIM3 is a context-dependent co-regulator of cytotoxic T cell function

15:45 | Refreshment break, posters and exhibition

16:00 | Peter Openshaw, Imperial College London, UK – KEYNOTE SPEAKER

What we’ve learnt about immune inflammation and defence from studies of COVID

16:45 | Prizes and concluding remarks

17:00 | Networking reception

18:00 | Meeting close

Abstract submission

Abstract submission has now closed.


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  • Non-member - Postgraduate
  • Non-member - Discounted 
 BSI memberNon-member
Early Career/Clinician in training (read the criteria£30£55
Postgraduate (anyone studying a PhD or Masters)£20£40*
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Undergraduate (membership is free)£10-

Registration fees include VAT

*If this fee applies to you, please contact for a discount code prior to registering. 

BSI grants to support your attendance at this event

As part of our career development package, we have two grants available to BSI members to support your attendance at this event. 

  • BSI Regional & Affinity Group Conference Grants: BSI members can apply for up to £100 to contribute towards their travel costs in attending this conference. In this scheme, we have 10 grants available for this conference and they will be allocated on a first come, first served basis to eligible BSI members. Deadline: Monday 29 May. Find out more and apply.
  • BSI Regional & Affinity Group Carers' Grants: BSI members can apply for up to £100 to contribute towards extra care arrangements costs they incur during the conference, for example, childcare costs, or for additional care for the applicant themselves. Deadline: Monday 29 May. Find out more and apply.