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BSI event
Image of the River Tay in Perth, UK
Perth, UK
In person
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The BSI Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Tayside, and West of Scotland Immunology Groups welcome you to join us in the Perth Concert Hall, Perth on Wednesday 8 February 2023 for our second joint symposium – SIGNET (Scottish Immunology Groups Network). SIGNET is a full-day in-person symposium which aims to bring together immunologists from across Scotland to share our research and foster new research networks and collaborations.

We are pleased to welcome two invited keynote speakers, Professor Carola Vinuesa (Francis Crick Institute, UK) and Professor David Sancho (CNIC, Spain). The meeting will also feature invited talks from researchers from each BSI Regional Group who will present across the day.

A strong focus of SIGNET is promoting early career researchers and eight oral presentations from postdocs/PhD students will be selected from submitted abstracts (two per Group) in addition to the poster session, which will include prizes!

Please join us in February to catch up with old friends and meet some new colleagues from across the Scottish immunology community.

Abstract submission

Abstract submission has now closed.


We are pleased to welcome two invited keynote speakers, Professor Carola Vinuesa (Francis Crick Institute, UK) and Professor David Sancho (CNIC, Spain). The meeting will also feature invited talks from researchers from each BSI Regional Group who will present across the day.


Registration has now closed. If you'd like the be added to the waiting list, please contact

BSI grants to support your attendance at this event

As part of our career development package, we have two grants available to BSI members to support your attendance at this event. 

  • BSI Regional & Affinity Group Conference Grants: BSI members can apply for up to £100 to contribute towards their travel costs in attending this conference. In this scheme, we have 10 grants available for this conference and they will be allocated on a first come, first served basis to eligible BSI members. Deadline: Wednesday 18 January. Find out more and apply.
  • BSI Regional & Affinity Group Carers' Grants: BSI members can apply for up to £100 to contribute towards extra care arrangements costs they incur during the conference, for example, childcare costs, or for additional care for the applicant themselves. Deadline: Wednesday 18 January. Find out more and apply.

Please follow @bsicongress on Twitter and check the event hashtag #SIGNET2023 for updates.

Thank you to our sponsors

BD is the principal sponsor of SIGNET 2023