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Single cell and spatial omics - 4 November 2024

BSI training
DNA genome sequencing concept
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Bioinformatics is now a potent driver of scientific development, complementing wet-lab research in immunology and becoming an essential skill for current and future generations.

The British Society for Immunology offers highly rated online training to equip wet-lab life scientists with the skills and confidence to perform their own bioinformatic data analysis.

‘Single cell and spatial omics’ is an advanced course designed for wet-lab immunologists, biologists and other life scientists who have some experience and would like an in-depth course to:

  • Learn how to perform single cell or spatial omics and all of the steps in single cell analysis
  • Take the next essential step in becoming a bioinformatician
Do you want to better understand the data processing side of sequencing analysis and raise the impact of your research? Learn in five online sessions!

This course forms part of a wider bioinformatics training programme, developed and delivered by the Glasgow Bioinformatic Core and offered by the BSI.

Course description

Starting on Monday 4 November 2024, this top-rated course will take place over five consecutive Mondays (9:30–12:30 and 14:00–17:00 GMT) until 2 December.

This course is particularly valuable for those working in the field of oncology, as it will equip them with the latest techniques to dissect tumor heterogeneity and uncover critical cell interactions, which can then be applied to develop more effective and personalised therapies.

During the programme, you will cover a wide range of analysis methods for scRNA-seq, including:

  • The Seurat package and objects
  • QC, PCA, UMAP, clustering, cell identification
  • Using replicates, multi-omic studies (RNA+protein) and integration
  • Trajectory and Phate analysis
  • Spatial analysis using CosMx

The course will require R, R studio and several developmental R packages. Links to software packages required for the course, including Seurat, will be shared in the registration email. 

Level of experience 
This course is aimed at wet-lab life scientists who are interested in performing single cell or spatial omics, and will cover all of the steps in single cell analysis, including RNA and protein, and some of the newest spatial methods - such as CosMx. It is suitable for those who have have little to no experience of single cell analysis and is entry level in these aspects, however some familiarity with R, such as basic table handling and ggplots, is necessary. 

Our first block, Omic Data Analysis and Visualisation Using R, is an assumed prerequisite for this course. If you haven't yet attended this course but are comfortable with basic table handling and ggplots in R, your knowledge should be sufficient to undertake this course. If you are unsure, please contact the course coordinator, and we will be happy to advise. 

The course is delivered by John J. Cole, Manager of the Glasgow Bioinformatic Core, and his team of seasoned demonstrators. John’s background as a wet-lab biologist and decades of experience as a bioinformatician and lecturer perfectly positions him to help you master bioinformatics and R skills.

You will get:

  • Digestible classes that fit around your lab schedule – just one day a week on Zoom
  • Low-cost training, significantly more affordable than other courses – only £395+VAT for BSI members 
  • Sought-after skills that will expand your career prospects – add it to your CV!
  • Confidence to carry out bioinformatic data processing and analysis of your own, or public datasets
  • Skills to perform regular omic analysis of your own datasets and genomics or epigenomics with the command line
  • Flexible learning – all sessions will be recorded and you will be provided with a self-paced workbook 

And much more! Download the course timetable here

Don't forget that once you have completed this course, you have free, unlimited attendance for all future course iterations.


Registration is now closed.

BSI member£395 + VAT (£474 total)
Non-member  £790 +VAT (£948 total)

The British Society for Immunology offers this course at a discount to all BSI members. You can sign up to become a member online. BSI members also benefit from discounts on fees for BSI events, as well as free access to our journals, grants, career development activities and much more.

Rating and reviews

This highly rated programme has had over 1,200 attendees since 2020, with a mean rating of 9.4/10 for content and delivery, and 93% of participants thinking the session length and pace was “about right”, after 332 reviews.

Other courses in this training programme

This training programme has several courses, depending on need and experience, starting with an essential course for complete beginners to set the foundations and building on those skills to help you on specific experiments. For example, allowing for specialisation into advanced topics such as single-cell RNA-sequencing. Here you can see the full outline of the programme and guidance on which course is right for you

Glasgow Bioinformatic Core Logo

The programme has been developed and is delivered by the Glasgow Bioinformatic Core and is being offered by the British Society for Immunology.