BSI membership provides you with a huge number of benefits to build your career in immunology.
- Significant discounts to attend BSI Congress and BSI Regional & Affinity Group conferences
- Networking opportunities to connect with others working in immunology, start new collaborations and grow your network through BSI Regional & Affinity Group events including seminar series and conferences, and BSI Congress
- Free registration and on-demand access to all BSI webinars, focusing on a range of topics including the latest research on key topics in immunology, successful grant applications, wellbeing and more
- Being part of our community with a strong voice to represent immunology at the highest levels in policy and public debates
- Join a BSI committee such as our Board of Trustees or Forum to contribute your skills and experience to help us make a difference to immunology, and vote for your representatives in our annual elections
- Free postings on the BSI jobs board so you can attract and recruit talented and ambitious staff from our expert community of over 4,000 members working in different areas of immunology, and free events listings on the BSI website
- Pitch ideas for articles in our membership magazine, Immunology News, to share your experiences and interests alongside recent Society news, synopses of cutting-edge immunology research and other member features
- Join our EDI focus groups to create a more inclusive immunology community
- Voting rights at our Annual General Meeting in which you can find out more about what we’re doing to support our members and have your say in our work
- Access to various grants designed to support your career including several Conference Travel Grants (both for external and BSI conferences) and our Carers’ Grants for BSI Congress and BSI Regional & Affinity Group conferences
- Flexible financial support through our BSI Career Enhancing Grant which funds any career-related activity to advance your professional development, including funding for a pilot project (eligible members only)
- Financial support to help turn your ideas to promote diversity and inclusion across immunology into reality through our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Activity Grant
- Access to public engagement funding to increase interest and understanding of immunology through the BSI Communication & Engagement grant
- Connections to people working in immunology in different sectors, areas of research and locations in the UK by getting involved in our Regional & Affinity Groups
- Volunteering to give back to our community – our mentoring scheme is a highly rewarding experience in which you can provide invaluable insight and advice to those early in their career, while gaining a more in depth understanding of current challenges and honing your people management skills
- Opportunities to present your latest research at BSI Congress and BSI Regional & Affinity Group conferences – a great way to catch up on the most recent development with others working in your area and get your research noticed
- Public engagement initiatives, including opportunities for training and volunteering to design and take part in a range of activities and events to spark interest and strengthen understanding in immunology (including through our Regional & Affinity Groups)
- Opportunities to take part in policy campaigns and events to influence UK policymakers and ensure immunology is championed in Parliament
- Opportunities for media training
- Recognition for outstanding teaching in a higher research institute in the UK through our Immunology Teaching Excellence Award, including free registration to the next BSI Congress, a year of BSI membership and a cash prize
- Expert insight into effective and innovative techniques in higher education teaching through our Immunology Educators database, a range of profiles from leading immunology teachers including their teaching methods, resources, contact details and more
- CPD accreditation at our events such as BSI Congress
- Discounted publishing charges for all journals in the BSI family, 33% for our hybrid journal Clinical & Experimental Immunology and 20% for our Open Access journals Discovery Immunology and Immunotherapy Advances (you might also be able to publish your paper Open Access through Read & Publish deals from our publisher Oxford University Press)
- Free online access to our Clinical & Experimental Immunology journal
- 30% discount on all Oxford University Press books, including printed textbooks, e-books and supplementary online resources
- Regular updates on the BSI work through our monthly newsletters – you can hear about the latest developments and job, funding and training opportunities in the world of immunology via our eNews email, and discover events relevant to you via our events update
- Printed copy delivered in the UK and online access around the world to our quarterly membership magazine, Immunology News, which amplifies the voice of our membership and highlights how we’re supporting our members and representing immunology on a wider stage
- Opportunities to get involved in our work supporting our mission and vision and share your experiences and perspectives of different areas of our work