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Discovery Immunology scope expanded to include veterinary immunology

Discovery Immunology journal cover

We are delighted to announce that the scope of Discovery Immunology will be expanding to include veterinary immunology.

 In 2022, the British Society for Immunology launched our first broad-scope Open Access journal for new discoveries in cellular and molecular immunology. By increasing the journal's scope to include veterinary science, veterinary immunologists can now submit research for publication in Discovery Immunology, allowing us to support a wider range of research opportunities and foster collaboration across disciplines. The learnings from veterinary immunology research could have significant implications for wider immunology research, furthering scientific knowledge. 

In addition to this, we are pleased to welcome the addition of two highly qualified members from the field of veterinary immunology to the Editorial Board of Discovery Immunology.

The editorial team, led by Professor Simon Milling, have been working hard to bring you high-quality articles from leading researchers worldwide. Thanks to the incredible support of our editors, authors and readers the journal has built strong foundations for future success.

Simon Milling, Editor-in-Chief of Discovery Immunology said:

“Immunologists who use commercially important organisms to investigate mechanisms underlying the immune response often make discoveries that change our understanding of immunology. Discovery Immunology therefore welcomes submissions from the veterinary immunology community, just as we welcome submissions from those working with human samples or with model organisms. To highlight this, we have now welcomed two distinguished veterinary immunologists to our editorial board, and we have clarified the journal’s scope. We are looking forward to publishing more veterinary immunology reviews and original articles in the near future!”

Wilhelm Gerner, Chair of the Comparative and Veterinary Immunology Group said:

“We, from the Comparative and Veterinary Immunology Group, are delighted about the extension of the journal's scope. This provides a new avenue for veterinary immunologists to showcase their important research. The timing is perfect, given the rise in zoonotic infections, the increasing importance of large animal models, and the growing emphasis on One Health research.”

Submit your work

Discovery Immunology welcomes original research, review papers, commentaries, perspectives and invited editorials describing novel mechanisms controlling the immune response in humans and animals. The journal also considers short reports that describe significant advances in an area of immunology.

We’re proud to offer a 20% discount on publication fees for BSI members. As part of the BSI journal familyDiscovery Immunology sits alongside our other fully Open Access journal Immunotherapy Advances, and Clinical & Experimental Immunologyour long-standing hybrid journal.

 We invite our members and the wider immunology community to support the Society and consider submitting your work.

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