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T Cells at Barrier Sites

Discovery Immunology journal

Led by Dr Philip Ahern (Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic, USA) and Dr Emily Gwyer Findlay (University of Southampton, UK)

At barrier sites such as the intestinal wall, the skin, and the lung, T cells are critical for defence and for regulation of wider inflammatory responses. Much about how the T cells differentiate in these barrier sites, how they are altered by their residency, and how they respond to challenge there is unknown. This is an exciting and rapidly changing immunological field with important implications not only for the fundamental biology of these cells but also for therapeutics targeting T cell behaviour in disease.

This Special Collection in Discovery Immunology features original research and reviews relating to various aspects of the role and characteristics of T cells at mucosal and non-mucosal barrier sites, as well as current and future methods for modelling T cells in different barrier sites in humans. 


Adapting for success: T cell features at tissue sites

Emily Gwyer Findlay and Philip Ahern

Figure depicting soluble signals from the microbiota and T cells in the skin and intestinal barriers.


Metabolic regulation of γδ intraepithelial lymphocytes 

Sara Alonso and Karen L Edelblum


Triphasic production of IFNγ by innate and adaptive lymphocytes following influenza A virus infection

George E Finney, Kerrie E Hargrave, Marieke Pingen, Thomas Purnell, David Todd, Freya MacDonald, Julie C Worrell, Megan K L MacLeod