The British Society for Immunology provides support to members to facilitate their attendance at scientific conferences and seminars in the UK and around the world. We are delighted to offer a limited number of travel grants to BSI members wishing to attend the 2024 European Congress of Immunology (ECI), to be held in Dublin, Ireland from Sunday 1 September to Wednesday 4 September. To find out more about the 2024 European Congress of Immunology, visit the event page here.
Application deadline
Applications for this grant are now closed.
The maximum travel grant available is £500.
This is based on UK applicants, if you are an overseas applicant the rates will be applied according to your place of residence. Please contact us at if you have any queries.
To be eligible to apply:
- Applicants must be current paid-up BSI members who have held membership for a minimum period of one year (two consecutive membership subscription payments). The grant scheme is open to members in the following membership categories: Full, Early Career and Postgraduate.
- Grants cannot be awarded retrospectively.
- This grant scheme can only be used to apply for funds to go to the European Congress of Immunology.
If you have any queries, please email
Terms and conditions
- You will be required to acknowledge the Society for their financial support on your poster and/or oral presentation as well as displaying the Society's logo (if applicable). Please email for this.
- Successful recipients are required to submit the following within one month after the meeting: receipts for travel, event registration, accommodation etc. up to grant received.
- The grant awarded will be up to a maximum of £500 per applicant.
- This grant scheme involves funding travel and we expect recipients to adhere all relevant coronavirus guidance both from the UK and/or devolved nations as applicable.
- The BSI will not accept any liability to the grant recipient or to any third party for costs, claims, damages or losses that are incurred due to the need to quarantine either when arriving in your destination country, during your visit or when arriving back into the UK or any other costs relating to the travel placement.
- Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.
Please note that failure to comply with the terms and conditions may result in the Society asking for monies awarded to be refunded and/or future applications denied.
Application assessment
The assessment of European Congress of Immunology 2024 travel grants will follow the same process as used for BSI Conference Travel Grants, which is outlined below.
BSI Conference Travel Grants panel
- The BSI Conference Travel Grants panel meets four times a year to assess applications to this scheme. In making awards, the panel consider the scientific value of the applications received and look favourably on early career researchers.
- The assessment of applications employs a points system, weighting decisions primarily on the scientific merit of the application while also considering the juniority of the applicant.
Assessment criteria
Applicants will be assessed according to the three main criteria:
- Benefit to career gained from attendance. This refers to how attendance at the scientific conference will benefit the applicant in the progression of their career. Key points to note and incorporate into the application include:
- How the applicant will be participating in the conference, whether presenting a poster or giving a talk. NB: applicants need to provide an abstract that has been submitted to the conference to demonstrate active participation.
- How the applicant plans to use attendance to further their career. Give details of whether the aim is to form collaborations or further knowledge in an area that is not currently being pursued. Applicants should indicate what it is about this event that is importance for their career.
2. Financial need for support. This refers to the applicants' current funding available for travel.
- Why funds are being sought from the Society and why the level of support is being requested.
- The applicant is encouraged to apply for other funding to help attend the conference and give details of this so that the committee may see that the applicant will be able to attend if only partial support is provided by the grant.
If you have any questions about this grant scheme, please email