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Inaugural issue of Discovery Immunology

Discovery Immunology Journal

We’re delighted to present the inaugural issue of Discovery Immunology, our new Open Access journal publishing high-quality research on novel mechanisms controlling the immune response. The editorial team, led by Professor Simon Milling, have been working hard over the past year to bring you a collection of high-quality articles from leading researchers. Here, Discovery Immunology’s editors take us through the cutting-edge articles featured in the inaugural issue.

Changing the rules of TCR engagement

Jade R Hopkins, Bruce J MacLachlan, Stephen Harper, Andrew K Sewell & David K Cole

Professor Simon Milling, Founding Editor-in-Chief, said:

I’m very pleased that our first issue includes this thought-provoking review which describes how our understanding of MHC I:peptide complexes (pMHC) needs to consider that both the peptide and the presenting MHC molecules are flexible. This flexibility affects how the pMHC complex is recognised by the T cell receptor and can have a significant influence on the outcome of the T cell response. The article describes interesting molecular mechanisms and places them in the wider context of their effects on the immune response. It represents a fantastic example of the type of work I’m looking forward to reading in future issues of Discovery Immunology.

Stroke-induced changes to immune function in severe COVID-19

Laura McCulloch, Isobel C Mouat, Kieron South, Barry W McColl, Stuart M Allan & Craig J Smith

Dr Emily Gwyer Findlay, Senior Editor, said:

We know that after a stroke, patients are more likely to suffer worse infections. In this article, the authors describe the immunological mechanisms behind this observation and discuss what this means for COVID infections in particular. I’m excited to highlight this article which is at the interface of neuroimmunology and infection biology, and which is hugely interesting to consider medically and for policy perspectives. I hope we can develop this theme at Discovery Immunology!

Looking into the IL-1 of the storm: inflammasomes in cytokine storm syndromes

Tara A Gleeson, Erik Nordling, Christina Kaiser, Catherine B Lawrence, David Brough, Jack P Green & Stuart M Allan

Dr Lai Guan Ng, Senior Editor, said:

This fascinating article describes the connection between cytokine storm and thrombosis in hyperinflammatory disease and discusses the potential relevance of inflammasomes and interleukin-1 cytokines as crucial mediators and therapeutic targets. Future investigations into the relationship between cytokine storm and disseminated intravascular coagulation, including the development of biomarkers, mechanistic studies, and patient management, will be essential, and we look forward to publishing more research on the topic.

Unconventional T cell signalling through NKG2D can promote cancer progression

Sophie Curio, Sarah C Edwards, Toshiyasu Suzuki, Jenny McGovern, Chiara Triulzi, Nagisa Yoshida, Gustav Jonsson, Teresa Glauner, Damiano Rami, Robert Wiesheu, Anna Kilbey, Rachel Violet Purcell, Seth B Coffelt & Nadia Guerra

Professor Awen Gallimore, Senior Editor, said:

Adding to our knowledge of how the NKG2D response shapes tumour development and growth, this new study shows that NKG2D signalling instigates a pro-tumour function of γδT cells in the tumour microenvironment. These important findings reveal a new function of NKG2D on γδT cells in driving tumour growth and metastasis. They also underpin the crucial importance of understanding how features of the tumour microenvironment and niches within it affect the behaviour of immune cells, so that new therapies can be designed accordingly. I can’t wait to see more cutting-edge cancer research coming across my desk.

Antimicrobial host defence peptides: do they modulate immune responses in the CNS?

Katie J Smith & Emily Gwyer Findlay

Professor Fran J Quintana, Senior Editor, said:

This article explores the intriguing potential roles of antimicrobial host defence peptides (HDPs) in the CNS. This is an important subject, because although HDPs are usually studied in the context of their antimicrobial activity, they possess immunomodulatory activities which suggest multiple roles in the regulation of the immune response in the CNS in health and disease. We look forward to receiving more manuscripts in this exciting area of neuroimmunology!

The conflicting roles of IL-33 in fibrotic disease

Samuele Di Carmine, Molly M Scott, Mairi H McLean & Henry J McSorley

Dr Meera Ramanujam, Senior Editor, said:

This review expertly summarises the complexity around the role of IL-33 in different organ fibrosis. The role of IL-33 as an anti- or pro-fibrotic cytokine is unclear and dependent on tissue, species and more importantly on other factors that work in unison. A detailed understanding of the protective or detrimental effect of the role of IL-33 in different stages and different organ fibrosis is absolutely required to position or not the various anti-IL-33 agents for fibrosis. We look forward to receiving articles that address the role of IL-1 family members in fibrosis and articles that address the interplay between immune and fibrotic mechanisms.

BSI journals: Find a home for your next paper

Are you considering where to submit your next paper? With rapid turnaround times, excellent author service and backed by the strong reputation of the BSI in promoting excellence in immunology, one of your Society’s journals could be the perfect home for your next article. The BSI publishes three peer-reviewed journals in partnership with Oxford University Press. Our family of journals includes fully Open Access journals, Discovery Immunology and Immunotherapy Advances, and our long-standing hybrid journal Clinical & Experimental Immunology. The scopes of our journals have been developed through close and collaborative communication between their Editors-in-Chief to offer a home for papers from the widest range of immunologists, from those performing fundamental basic research, through more translational work, to studies of potential therapeutics and human clinical trials. Visit and discover where you research fits within the scopes of our journals.

BSI member discount

We are proud to offer BSI members a discount on publication fees. Those submitting to our hybrid journal, Clinical & Experimental Immunology, receive a 33% discount on Open Access charges. For our fully Open Access journals, Discovery Immunology and Immunotherapy Advances, we offer authors a discounted fee of £1,680.