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Alopecia areata research funding

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune form of hair loss that affects an estimated 2% of the UK population at any point in their life. Alopecia UK has up to £60,000 in research funding available for projects on any aspect of alopecia areata that gets us closer to understanding its causes and a future cure. This is made possible due to a generous legacy donation, the terms of which restrict awards to research specifically on causes and cures for alopecia areata. This call is therefore intended to support new research that helps us better understand the causes and triggers for alopecia areata, and research that helps us get closer to a cure. 

As such, this funding call is open to applications on environmental, biomedical, clinical and psychological research, which address the biological and physiological processes, as well as the psychological impacts, of alopecia areata. Please note, due to a specific clause in the legacy, this call is not open to research projects exploring other types of alopecia or experimental topical treatments.

Applications of any value between £5,000 and £60,000 will be considered. As their current financial year ends on 31 March 2024, they will prioritise applications that are received before 31 January 2024, to allow appropriate time for reviewing. If you are considering an application, please register your interest with Alopecia UK by contacting

Alopecia UK