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Kennedy Trust Research Ignition Awards

The Kennedy Trust is delighted to announce the launch of an innovative new funding scheme: the Research Ignition Awards. 

The Kennedy Trust is a focussed charitable trust whose mission is to provide sustainable, long-term funding of medical research into rheumatic and related musculoskeletal, immunological and inflammatory diseases. With the goal of stimulating new and ambitious avenues of research, the Trust’s new Research Ignition Awards will provide up to £100k over 1-2 years to support incisive and cutting-edge projects in areas that that have a clear relation to pathways in these conditions, where the scientific evidence is still being accumulated and needs a major boost, and/or where questions are not being routinely investigated by other researchers.

The awards will be highly flexible and designed to support a wide range of research costs to seed funding of larger programmes of ambitious clinical, translational or basic research. They will be available to investigators at all stages of independent research careers, although the Trust would like to particularly encourage applications from mid-career investigators.

They commit to ensuring that applications will be rapidly evaluated and approved for funding within 5 months of the submission deadline (26th June 2023). Before submitting your application, please ensure that you have carefully read the accompanying application guidance notes. Applications should be emailed to by 23:59 on Monday 26th June 2023.

For any further information, please contact the Kennedy Trust’s Grants Manager Zoe Montanaro at


Kennedy Trust