The remit of this group is to study mechanisms of inflammation and how these contribute to disease. Our interest ranges from the regulation of inflammation during pathogen infection, to mechanisms of sterile inflammation that contribute directly to disease pathogenesis. UK researchers have made outstanding contributions in this field and have great expertise and experience at their disposal. The aim of this affinity group is to strengthen the competitiveness of UK researchers in this area by bringing this expertise together through focussed meetings and to establish a network that facilitates collaboration.
This group will be open to all members of the BSI with an interest in this area. The objective will be to hold an annual meeting on the topic or related theme, and to interact with other groups on topics of timeliness.
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Chair: Samuel Lara Reyna, University of Leeds
Secretary: Anna Surace, Queen Mary University of London, a.surace@qmul.ac.uk
Treasurer: Jack Green, University of Manchester
Committee members:
Cecile Benezech, University of Edinburgh
David Brough, University of Manchester
Jenna Cash, University of Edinburgh
Donald Davidson, University of Edinburgh
Douglas Gibson, University of Edinburgh
Rob Snelgrove, Imperial College London
Ryan Thwaites, Imperial College London
Dave Boucher, University of York
Peter Barlow, Napier University
Gloria Lopez-Castejon, University of Manchester
Leon Chang, University of Leeds
Contact the committee
Dr Samuel Lara Reyna
University of Leeds
E-Mail: s.j.larareyna@leeds.ac.uk