The BSI Leukocyte Migration affinity group (LMG) aims to facilitate discussion, networking and the dissemination of knowledge for all those interested in the migration of immune cells. Leukocyte migration influences every aspect of immunology from immune homeostasis and adaptive immunity, to inflammation and disease. It is a topic of interest to a broad spectrum of UK and worldwide immunology researchers, and, given the significant therapeutic potential of targeting leukocyte migration, many pharmaceutical companies have active programmes focused in this area. Those in the UK studying leukocyte migration come from a range of related disciplines including chemokine biology, lymphoid organ development, inflammation and infection. We believe there exists a substantial unmet need to get these researchers together to share and discuss their work, and, importantly, to foster new collaborations.
To help meet this need, and with a particular focus on young scientists, we established the LMG; set up a Facebook page as a medium for discussions and knowledge exchange. We also have a Twitter profile with regular updates. Follow us at @LMG_BSI.
Clive McKimmie, University of Leeds
Douglas Dyer, University of Manchester
Helen McGettrick, University of Birmingham
Milka Sarris, University of Cambridge