The BSI Tayside Immunology group was first set up in 2007 by Prof. Jenny Woof and includes researchers in the Tayside area (Dundee and St. Andrews) with an interest in immunology. We organise seminars on topics of current immunological interest and circulate information on local research and jobs in immunology. The main highlight is our seminar series which we hold once a month, and involves a lecture and informal discussions with leading research immunologists. In addition to our seminar series, we also have an Immunology retreat.
Our meetings are open to anyone interested in immunology, and new members are always welcome. Anyone wishing to join our group (and email list) and come along to any of the seminars should contact Dr. Simon Arthur. Group members receive email notification of the Group's meetings and other relevant local seminars and news. The group further organises various public engagement events including "Incredible Immunology" and interactions with various local schools.
A committee made up of representatives from the Universities of Dundee and St. Andrews and Ninewells Hospital in Dundee organises activities of the Group. Moreover, Dundee immunology undergraduate students have their own forum, the Dundee Students' Immunology Society.
Dr Andy Howden
Dr Henry McSorley
Dr Linda Sinclair