The BSI works with many science, health and research bodies on different projects to support our aims. You can find out more about these organisations at the links below.

Corporate Members
The BSI is grateful to our Corporate Members for their support in helping us reach our charitable aims. Visit the Corporate Members page of our website to find out more about the scheme and our current Corporate Members.
International collaborations
The BSI is proud to be a member of EFIS, a non-profit umbrella organisation that represents 33 European immunology societies, and associations from Eurasia and the Middle-East, uniting more than 14,000 immunologists. The main goals of EFIS are to support immunological research and education, as well as to strengthen scientific interaction amongst its members. All members of the BSI are automatically considered members of EFIS and can benefit from EFIS programmes.
EFIS run a number of grant and award schemes for which BSI members are eligible to apply. They also run the European Congress of Immunology, which takes place every three years and attracts over 3,000 delegates.
The IUIS is an umbrella organisation for many of the regional and national societies of immunology throughout the world. Their objectives are to organise international co-operation in immunology, to promote communication between the various branches of immunology and allied subjects and to contribute to the advancement of immunology in all its aspects.
The BSI is pleased to join the IUIS community of 73 member societies from around the world. The IUIS runs the International Congress of Immunology, which is held every three years, attracting up to 10,000 delegates.
FOCIS exists to improve human health through immunology by fostering interdisciplinary approaches to both understand and treat immune-based diseases. The BSI is one of 57member societies, representing approximately 65,000 clinical scientists around the world. FOCIS holds annual meetings on translational immunology bringing together clinicians and scientists to discuss the latest breakthroughs across immune-mediated diseases.
The WAO is an international umbrella organisation whose members consist of 97 regional and national allergology and clinical immunology societies from around the world. By collaborating with member societies, WAO provides direct educational outreach programs, symposia and lectureships to members in nearly 100 countries around the globe. The BSI is an affiliated society of WAO.
UK work
The AMRC is the national membership organisation of leading medical and health research charities who help their members to achieve their charitable objectives by interpreting and influencing the regulatory, policy and research environments, and connecting members to encourage collaboration and share learning. The BSI is a member of the AMRC, as well as being part of their policy network.
The Academy of Medical Sciences is the independent body in the UK that represents the diversity of medical science from basic research through clinical application to healthcare delivery. The BSI collaborates with them on a number of initiatives, including their project examining how society uses evidence to judge the risks and benefits of medicine.
The BSI is a member of CaSE, the leading independent advocate for science and engineering in the UK. It speaks with the voice of its members to raise the political profile of science and engineering and campaign for policies and investment that support a thriving sector.
The Royal Society of Biology is a single, unified voice for biology, with a vision of promoting a world where the true value of biology is understood. The Society represents a diverse membership of individuals, learned societies and other organisations. The BSI has been a member organisation of the Royal Society of Biology since its inception.
The Science Media Centre works with scientists and journalists to help provide accurate and evidence-based information about science and engineering through the media, particularly on controversial and headline news stories when most confusion and misinformation occurs. The BSI provides financial support to the SMC and works with them on relevant stories.Understanding Animal Research
Understanding Animal Research is a not-for-profit organisation that explains why animals are used in medical and scientific research. The BSI is a member of Understanding Animal Research and is a signatory of their Concordat on Openness in Animal Research.
Public engagement
The British Science Association aims to create a world where science is at the heart of society and culture by supporting, growing and diversifying the community of people interested and involved in science and strengthening their influence over science's direction and place in society. The BSI works with this organisation on our public engagement work, in particular around the area of vaccine confidence.
#BritainBreathing is our citizen science project run jointly with the Royal Society of Biology and The University of Manchester. It aims to engage the UK public to act as 'citizen sensors' to help scientists discover more about seasonal allergies such as hay fever or asthma.
Oxford University Press is the publisher of the BSI’s three official journals, Discovery Immunology, Immunotherapy Advances and Clinical & Experimental Immunology.
The BSI is a member of the Association of Learned & Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP), an international membership trade body that supports and represents not-for-profit organisations and institutions that publish scholarly and professional content.