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Contact us

Please note, there is no one in our office who is medically qualified and we are unable to give any medical advice on immune-related conditions or any issues relating to Coronavirus. If you are looking for information on Coronavirus, please visit the NHS website.

If you have an enquiry about finding a clinical immunologist, please visit our 'Find a Clinical Immunologist' section.  For more information on the immune system, please visit our public information pages or contact the relevant patient groups who can provide advice and support.


Office address

We are currently working remotely. Our registered office is at: 9 Appold Street, London, EC2A 2AP.


  • General enquiries: +44 (0)203 019 5901
  • Membership enquiries: +44 (0)77 7530 1216
  • Media enquiries: +44 (0)7703 807 444


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