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Funding opportunities

This page contains a list of current funding opportunities offered by other societies, associations and organisations.  If you would like to advertise a funding opportunity on this page, please contact

You may also find it useful to have a look at our jobs board. In addition to the specific opportunities below, the following websites contain information on sources of funding.

For information relating to funding postgraduate courses and research in the UK:

For information on research funding and fellowship opportunities at all levels in the UK and internationally:

Funding opportunities

Breakthrough T1D UK Small Grant Awards

Breakthrough T1D UK Small Grant Awards offer competitive funding to support excellent proposals which meet the following:

  • supports the development of early career researchers (basic scientists, clinicians or healthcare professionals including allied health professionals)
  • supports new research or innovation with a clear impact pathway that has the potential to deliver significant contribution to the understanding or management of type 1 diabetes
  • leads on to further research or clinical practice change
  • gathers critical data and resources to make novel research ideas more competitive for larger follow-on funding in the field of type 1 diabetes
  • takes into consideration the views and needs of individuals living with type 1 diabetes

Breakthrough T1D UK Small Grant Awards are not intended to top-up an existing grant but sub-studies will be considered if strongly justified.

Funding: up to £20,000 for basic research and £30,000 for clinical research

Project length: up to 12 months

Closing date:
Breakthrough T1D

IVVN ECR Career Development Fellowship Scheme

The International Veterinary Vaccinology Network (IVVN) has launched their ECR Career Development Fellowship Scheme, which aims to support the professional development of researchers working in veterinary vaccinology and innovation over an 18-month period.

The scheme will support:

Professional Development: The scheme does not duplicate basic training but instead focuses on building advanced scientific, project management and leadership skills that fellows can apply in their research setting.

Mentorship: including senior researcher mentorship, group networking and peer-to-peer learning within veterinary vaccinology and One Health research.

Multidisciplinary Approach: All activities seek to complement and strengthen linkages across research on veterinary vaccinology and One Health.

An online Q&A session about this Fellowship call will be held on Thursday, 16th January 2025 at 10:00 GMT. Click here to register for the session.

If you have any questions about the funding call, please contact the IVVN Network Manager, Dr Madeleine Clark, at

Closing date:
International Veterinary Vaccinology Network

UKRI Future Leader Fellowships - Aberystwyth University

Round 10 of the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Future Leader Fellowships (FLF) scheme has been announced and Aberystwyth University is inviting expressions of interest from applicants who wish to apply for a UKRI FLF with The Department of Life Sciences, at Aberystwyth University as the host. 

The aim of the FLF scheme aims to develop the next wave of world-class research and innovation leaders in academia, businesses and other innovative environments. The scheme supports universities, research institutes, and businesses to develop their most talented researchers, innovators and potential leaders or to attract new people to their organisations. The scheme is also open to international applicants looking to take up a role at a UK-based organisation.  

Applicants should familiarise themselves with the funder’s call document to establish their suitability for the scheme. Full details of the scheme can be found on the UKRI website. 

Aberystwyth University have a maximum of 2 available places and are seeking suitable candidates that will complement the below research areas.  

Candidates are welcomed in the following areas:  

  • Host pathogen interaction (working with the Sêr Cymru Centre of Excellence for Bovine TB (CBTB) and VetHub1), 
  • Animal and human parasitology 
  • Sustainable agriculture and healthy food
  • Climate change adaptation and mitigation
  • Interconnected animal and human health
  • Exploring and conserving biodiversity

For general queries, please contact Jackie Sayce with UKRI in the subject line.  

Closing date:
Aberystwyth University

Future Leaders Fellowships: round 10

Applications open on 3 February 2025

Funding to support ambitious research and innovation across UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)’s remit.

You must be an early career researcher or innovator who is either:

  • looking to establish or transition to independence
  • developing their own original and ambitious plans within a commercial setting

This funding opportunity aims to:

  • develop, retain, attract and sustain research and innovation talent in the UK
  • foster new research and innovation career paths including those at the academic, business and interdisciplinary boundaries, and facilitate movement of people between sectors
  • provide sustained funding and resources for the best early career researchers and innovators
  • provide long-term, flexible funding to tackle difficult and novel challenges, and support adventurous, ambitious programmes

You must be based at, and have the support of, an eligible academic or non-academic institution eligible for UKRI funding.

There is no minimum or maximum project cost. UKRI will fund 80% of the full economic cost (FEC).

Your project can last for up to four years, with the option to apply to renew for a further three years.

Closing date:

Postdoctoral career development fellowships for clinicians

Postdoctoral career development fellowships provide an opportunity for exceptional postdoctoral clinicians to consolidate their research experience.

Postdoctoral clinicians may apply for Crick funding to spend one year full-time or two years part-time working in a Crick research group, on a project agreed between the fellow and the Crick group leader.

This scheme aims to:

  • Foster long-term clinical links and collaborations.
  • Provide clinicians with a postdoctoral extension of their research experience, and with scientific networking, training and career development opportunities.
  • Provide a platform from which fellows may apply for external funding, e.g. clinician scientist fellowships, to be held at the Crick or elsewhere.

Fellows at the Crick will be embedded in a vibrant multidisciplinary research community of more than 1000 scientists carrying out research to improve our understanding of health and disease. 

This opportunity would suit talented and motivated postdoctoral clinicians who are passionate about research and show outstanding potential for continuing a career in academic medicine and research. Applicants should have completed a medical degree, or equivalent clinical professional qualification, and hold, or be about to hold, a research PhD. 

The application submission window for Crick fully funded fellowships (route 1) is open from early March 2025 to end of April 2025. 

Applications from fellows with funding for their own salary support (route 2) are welcome all year round.  

The Francis Crick Institute

Sanger Excellence Fellowships

Sanger Excellence Fellowships are three-year fellowships aimed at people from Black heritage backgrounds. 

They are designed for Black early career researchers to develop their portfolio of research experience and thrive in the field of UK genomics science. 

The programme offers mentorship, training and sponsorship and have a pay scale of £38,000-£49,156 in 2024 with additional funding for research consumables and conferences and training attendance. 

Candidates are invited to submit an Expression of Interest. 

Wellcome Sanger Institute