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BSI event
Perth river
Perth, UK
In person
Register here

The BSI Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Tayside, and West of Scotland Immunology Groups welcome you to join us in the Perth Concert Hall, Perth on Wednesday 20 March 2024 for our third Scottish Immunology Groups Network (SIGNET) joint symposium. SIGNET is a full-day in-person symposium which aims to bring together immunologists from across Scotland to share research, foster new collaborations and encourage networking.

We are pleased to welcome two invited keynote speakers, Professor Leonie Taams (King’s College London, UK) and Professor Eduardo Villablanca (Karolinska Institutet, Sweden). The meeting will also feature invited talks from researchers in each BSI Regional Group.

A strong focus of SIGNET is promoting early career researchers. Eight oral presentations from postdocs/PhD students will be selected from submitted abstracts (two per Group) in addition to the poster session, which will include prizes!

Please join us in March to catch up with old friends and meet some new colleagues from across the Scottish immunology community.

Please follow @bsicongress and check the event hashtag #SIGNET2024 for updates.

Abstract submission

Abstract submission has now closed.


09:00 | Registration

09:40| Welcome

Chairs: Dr Mike Morgan (University of Aberdeen, UK) and Dr Lizi Hegarty (University of Edinburgh, UK)

09:50 | Keynote speaker: Professor Leonie Taams (King’s College London, UK)
Location matters: studying T cells in human inflammatory disease

10.30 | BD sponsored talk: Dr Karen Hogg (University of York, UK)
Initial user experiences with the BD  FACS Discover S8 spectral cell sorter

10.45 | Invited speaker: Dr Andy Howden (University of Dundee, UK)  
Mapping the B cell protein landscape and its regulation by immune stimulation

11:05 | Refreshment break  

Chairs: Dr Anna Andrusaite (University of Glasgow, UK) and Dr Amanpreet Singh Chawla (University of Dundee, UK)

11:30 | Selected short talk: Dr Lucy MacDonald (University of Glasgow, UK)
Mapping the pathogenic and protective niches of synovial tissue macrophages in active 
RA and sustained remission with single cell spatial transcriptomics

11:40 | Selected short talk: Dr Isobel Mouat (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Experimental stroke results in chronic B cell deficits and infection vulnerability

11:50 | Invited speaker: Dr Tara Sutherland (University of Aberdeen, UK)
Immune pathways that contribute to matrix remodelling in the lung

12:10 | Selected short talk: Nicole Ong (University of Dundee, UK)
Mast cell IL-33 signalling in intestinal helminth infection 

12:20 | Selected short talk: Dr Matthew Oliver Burgess (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Myeloid cell dynamics during early RSV infection in mice

12:30 | Lunch (poster session 13:10-14:00 - please stand at your posters during this time)

Chairs: Dr Candice Quin (University of Aberdeen, UK) and Dr Piotr Janas (University of Edinburgh, UK)

14:00 | Invited speaker: Dr Tom McNeilly (Moredun Research Institute, UK)
Designing next generation Q fever vaccines using reverse vaccinology approaches

14:20 | Selected short talk: Dr Marta Campillo (University of Glasgow, UK)
Spatial transcriptomics reveals early immune responses in heligmosomoides polygyrus infection 

14:30 | Selected short talk: Dr Rebecca C Hull (University of Dundee, UK)
Sputum proteomics in patients with bronchiectasis and pseudomonas aeruginosa infections

14:40 | Invited speaker: Dr Claire Bourke (University of Glasgow, UK)
Rehabilitation of anti-bacterial innate immune function after severe acute malnutrition

15:00 | Refreshment break

Chairs: Dr Suzanne Hodge (University of Dundee, UK) and Mr Patrick Shearer (University of Glasgow, UK)

15:20 | Selected short talk: Dr Theodoros Simakou (University of Glasgow, UK)
PIEZO1 activation in synovial tissue resident macrophages and monocyte-derived macrophages 
affects their phenotypes and influences creation of an inflammation-permissive niche in synovium

15:30 | Selected short talk: Dr Emily Webb (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Focal adhesion kinase regulates the anti-tumour immune response in glioblastoma

15:40 | Keynote speaker: Professor Eduardo Villablanca (Karolinska Institutet, Sweden)
Decoding cellular circuits in intestinal inflammatory disorders

16:20 | Prizes and closing remarks

16:30 | Networking reception

17:30 | Close


Registration is open, book your place here.

BSI members benefit from reduced registration fees at this meeting and other BSI events, as well as free access to our journals, grants, career development activities and much more. You can sign up to become a member online. For current BSI members, your reduced fee will be applied automatically if you are logged in to your account. All fees include VAT.

 BSI memberNon-member
Early Career/Clinician in training (read the criteria)£33£70
Postgraduate (anyone studying a PhD or Masters)£22£50*
Senior (retired) (read the criteria)£22£50
Discounted membership/rate (read the criteria£22*£50*
Undergraduate (membership is free)£10-

*If this fee applies to you, please contact for a discount code prior to registering.

BSI grants to support your attendance at this event

As part of our career development package, we have two grants available to BSI members to support your attendance at this event. 

  • BSI Regional & Affinity Group Conference Grants: BSI members can apply for up to £100 to contribute towards their travel costs in attending this conference. In this scheme, we have 10 grants available for this conference and they will be allocated on a first come, first served basis to eligible BSI members. Deadline: Wednesday 28 February 2024. Find out more and apply.
  • BSI Regional & Affinity Group Carers' Grants: BSI members can apply for up to £100 to contribute towards extra care arrangements costs they incur during the conference, for example, childcare costs, or for additional care for the applicant themselves. Deadline: Wednesday 28 February 2024. Find out more and apply.


Thank you to our sponsors who are supporting this event.

Principal sponsor:


If you are interested in sponsoring this event, please contact our Director of Events & Training, Jane Sessenwein, at