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Our partnerships with PPI

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The British Society for Immunology is a proud partner for patient and public involvement (PPI) within immunology research. We expertly support, facilitate and manage PPI within research projects in collaboration with researchers and public contributors on various past and ongoing projects. Discover our PPI partnerships below, clicking on each to expand the information.

UK Coronavirus Immunology Consortium (August 2020 – September 2021)

We established the PPI panel of the UK Coronavirus Immunology Consortium as an integral part of the project, ensuring the views of patients and the public were central to the success of the research.

​​​​​​​National Core Studies Immunity (February 2022 – March 2023)

We managed the PPI element of the National Core Studies Immunity programme to facilitate involvement with COVID-19 research and, subsequently, co-produced tailored PPI training for the researchers involved.

​​​​​​​SIREN (SARS-CoV2 immunity and reinfection evaluation) study (November 2021 – ongoing)

We manage the Participant Involvement Panel (PIP) within the SIREN study in collaboration with the UK Health Security Agency team to connect the researchers with the study participants, which has been crucial to the design, delivery and success of the project.

​​​​​​​CARINA (CAtalyst Reducing ImmuNe Ageing) Network (February 2022 – ongoing)

We support and project manage the CARINA Network, ensuring that the views of patients and the public influence the priorities of the project through involvement in the Scientific Advisory Board.

STRAVINSKY (Stratification of Clinically Vulnerable People for COVID-19 Risk Using Antibody Testing) study (April 2023 – ongoing)

We’re facilitating the participant involvement and patient engagement within the STRAVINSKY study so people with lived experience of conditions that weaken their immune system are involved in the research being conducted and how the study is managed. 

​​​​​​​PITCH (Protective Immunity from T cells to Covid-19 in Health workers) study (April 2023 – ongoing)

We’re organising a new participant involvement element of the PITCH study to bring together health care workers and researchers to better understand participants’ views and perspectives on the science.

For further information or any questions about our patient and public involvement work, please contact Jennie Evans, BSI Director of External Affairs at 

We recognise the importance of training researchers to involve patients and the public meaningfully in their research. Find out more about our co-produced specialist PPI training, which provides practical tools and approaches needed to enable effective outcomes when involving patients and the public in the entire research cycle.