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EFIS Young Immunologists Task Force (yEFIS)

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About yEFIS 

The EFIS Young Immunologist Task Force (yEFIS) aims to gather together all early career researchers (ECRs) in Europe working in immunology. Within the different European immunological societies, self-organised Young Immunologist (YI) groups have arisen in recent years. However, there has been limited contact between them. The aim of yEFIS is to bring all these groups together and build a European network to promote our interests on a national, European and international level. EFIS itself provided the ideal platform to start up this network and in 2020 yEFIS was launched.

The mission

The main objectives are to:

  • Represent the interests of early career immunologists at a European level
  • Promote national YI groups in all EFIS member societies
  • Expand youth participation in EFIS goals
  • Bring visibility to YI during international meetings and schools, establishing regular dedicated sessions
  • Share information, interests and ideas between European YI
  • Connect YI and experienced scientists to shape the next generation of Immunologists in Europe

Join up

Are you interested in joining? Then become a member of the yEFIS Task Force and be part of this network. An online registration form is now available and you can also contact the team at There's no need to be part of any EFIS member society to join the yEFIS Task Force but we strongly recommend you do: there are many benefits available for you – career development, public engagement, policy work, networking, events and conferences.

As a yEFIS member, you will take advantage of several benefits:

  • being connected with yEFIS members around Europe and sharing information of interest to you
  • being able to participate actively in the yEFIS working groups
  • invitation to yEFIS events, schools and special sessions during international congresses dedicated to European YI
  • access to our job position listing and newsletter

Check out here our first collaboration with the European Journal of Immunology, authored by our German and Italian branches.

Do you have any particular interest in yEFIS working groups or activities? Would you like to propose any ideas of your own? Please, don't hesitate to contact us at We are a bottom-up network and we welcome and encourage any interested young immunologists across Europe to participate in the organization of our activities.

Member societies

You can also participate in the activities that YI Groups organise in your country. Find the representative of your national society below and contact her/him to participate in their activities.

EFIS Member SocietyyEFIS Representative
Austrian Society of Allergology and Immunology (ÖGAI)Johanna Strobl
Belgian Immunological Society (BIS)Thomas Marichal
British Society for Immunology (BSI)Chris Snowden-Smith
Croatian Immunological Society (HID)Inga Kavazović
Dutch Society for Immunology (NVVI) Branka Popovic
French Society of Immunology (SFI)Laetitia Gautreau-Rolland
French Society of Immunology (SFI)Sylvain Simon
German Society of Immunology (DGfI)Santiago Costas
Italian Society of Immunology, Clinical Immunology and Allergology (SIICA)Federica Laudisi
Lithuanian Immunologists Society (LIS)Dovilė Stravinskienė
Portuguese Society for Immunology (SPI)Ines Mesquita
Spanish Society of Immunology (SEI)Jesus Gil Pulido
Turkish Society of Immunology (TSI)Digdem Yoyen Ermis