Visitors are invited to throw ‘pollen balls’ at the Velcro nostrils of a giant nose from a set distance. Those that manage to make the pollen stick will ‘cause an allergic reaction’.
To explain how pollen interacts with mucosal areas such as the nose and causes allergic reactions in the form of hay fever.
How to make:
- Design and print a giant picture of a nose. A good size would be A0 or A1 and it is best to print the picture on to something sturdy such as polystyrene board.
- Stick Velcro onto the nostril area and mount the giant nose on to an easel or something similar.
- Acquire three (or more!) soft balls that will, importantly, stick to Velcro. These are your 'pollen balls'.
What to do:
Demonstrators will give visitors 3 soft ‘pollen’ balls and ask them to stand a set distance from the nose. They will then be given 3 attempts to throw the balls at the nostrils. If they stick, the visitor has caused an allergic reaction. Demonstrator is to describe how the pollen interacts with immune cells at the surface of the nostrils (mucosa) and initiate an allergic reaction in the form of hay fever.