Yng Nghymdeithas Imiwnoleg Prydain, ein nod yw cynnig gwybodaeth ddibynadwy sy'n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth am imiwnedd, COVID-19 a brechlynnau i bawb sydd ei hangen neu ei heisiau. Mae'n bwysig deall a mynd i'r afael â phryderon sy'n amlwg mewn trafodaeth gyhoeddus i helpu pawb i wneud penderfyniadau gwybodus am frechlynnau a'u hiechyd. Rydym wedi cyfieithu rhai o'n hadnoddau i Cymraeg.
Ar y dudalen hon, fe welwch atebion i rai o'r cwestiynau mwyaf cyffredin am frechlynnau COVID-19 yn ogystal â ffeithlun llawn gwybodaeth sy’n dangos sut mae'r brechlynnau COVID-19 wedi'u datblygu mor gyflym. Sgroliwch i lawr i ddarganfod mwy, cliciwch ar y ddolen lawrlwytho i argraffu neu rhannwch ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol gan dagio @britsocimm i i helpu i gryfhau dealltwriaeth y cyhoedd.
At the British Society for Immunology, we aim to provide reliable, evidence-based information on immunity, COVID-19 and vaccines to everyone who needs or wants it. It’s important to understand and address concerns that are prominent in public discussion to help everyone make informed decisions about vaccines and their health. We have translated some of our resources into Welsh.
On this page, you will find answers to some of the most common questions about COVID-19 vaccines as well as an informative infographic to illustrate how the vaccines for COVID-19 have been developed so fast. Scroll down to discover more, click the download link to print out or share on social media tagging @britsocimm to help strengthen public understanding.

We are very grateful to our member, Prof Matthias Eberl and collaborators at the Systems Immunity Research Institute, Cardiff University who contributed to translating this information.