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Activity packs

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The BSI has a selection of public engagement practical activities and educational resources that you can download and use for free. These provide information on vaccine immunology, exploring how vaccines work and the concept of herd immunity.

Click on the links below to find out more and discover the importance of vaccines!

Our Heroic Bodies - colouring for all

This collection of drawings celebrates the unexpected beauty of our body at a tiny scale, starting with blood cells, including our protective heroic white blood cells, and some of the bacteria and viruses that can make us unwell. The collection includes celebrating how an unexpected finding by Edward Jenner in 1798 led to one of the greatest discoveries in medicine to help protect us from illness.

Hands-on activities

These packs contain various games and fun activities to explore how vaccines teach our immune system to protect us from disease. 

This collection is suitable for all ages and comes with facilitator instructions and guides of materials needed and how to run the activities.

Educational resources

These educational materials, including interactive and experimental activities, are for students aged 7 to 14. Aimed to be delivered as a classroom 45-minute workshop but suitable for home teaching, these packs include PowerPoint presentations, facilitator guides, resources and student handouts for printing. 

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