The British Society for Immunology awards Honorary Lifetime Membership in recognition of outstanding contribution to immunology and/or to the Society. This honour is awarded after rigorous discussion and a vote by the Trustees.
Current awardees:

Arne Akbar
Arne Akbar is Professor of Immunology at University College London and a world leading researcher in the field of immune ageing. His research involves studies at the interface between academia, industry and clinical practice and focuses on the mechanisms that control the differentiation and senescence of human T lymphocytes.
Arne is a longstanding member and supporter of the British Society for Immunology having joined in 1978. He has recently completed his term of office as the Society’s President. During his four-year tenure, he expertly steered the BSI through the COVID-19 pandemic, making sure the organisation not only switched up our activities to support members but also that immunology had a strong and prominent voice to policymakers and the public. Arne has had a hugely positive impact on the organisation.

Danny Altmann
Professor of Immunology at Imperial College London. Danny's work primarily focuses on studies of adaptive immunity in human disease including severe bacterial infection and autoimmune disease, such as multiple sclerosis. He has also made an outstanding contribution to immunology through the BSI. He was the Editor in Chief of the BSI’s Immunology journal for 14 years with his leadership instrumental in taking the journal to an impact factor above 5, which had been a long-standing ambition of the BSI. Since finishing his term of office, he has remained engaged with the BSI and has stepped up during the pandemic supporting the BSI’s policy work in meetings with MPs and government advisors, being a very active member of the BSI Expert COVID-19 Taskforce and undertaking a huge amount of public engagement work including press, TV and radio interviews through high profile outlets. He has been seen as a trusted and engaging spokesperson on COVID-19 issues as well as, at the same time, carrying out his own research into the disease.
- Eric Bell
Carried out important work on lymphocyte recirculation; was the first person to identify antigen loaded dendritic cells emanating in the lymph from the intestine. He also was one of the first people to characterize CD45 isoforms as markers of functional subsets of CD4+ T cells, and importantly, showed that these markers were not fully stable, but could revert with time. Worked at The University of Manchester and was General Secretary of the British Society for Immunology. -
Walter Bodmer
Fellow of the Royal Society, receiving the Royal Medal in 2013; awarded the William Allan Award; Ellison-Cliffe Medal from the Royal Society of Medicine and the Michael Faraday Prize. He was knighted in 1986 for services to science. First Director General of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund. Bodmer made crucial contributions to the discovery of the HLA system and now heads the Cancer and Immunogenetics group of the Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine. -
Doreen Cantrell
Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, the Royal Society, the Royal Society of Edinburgh and EMBO. Wellcome Trust Principal Research Fellow, Head of the College of Life Sciences and Vice-Principal of the University of Dundee.
Doreen published the first single-cell analysis of T lymphocyte proliferation and was the first to link metabolism with T cell homing marking the start of immunometabolomics, along with other breakthroughs in T-lymphocyte activation and differentiation.
Doreen was appointed Commander of the British Empire in the 2014 New Year's Honours list for her services to life sciences. -
Anne Cooke
Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences and the Royal Society of Biology and currently Professor of Immunobiology at the University of Cambridge. Anne has made seminal contributions to the field of autoimmunity, with a particular focus on type 1 diabetes and later the interplay between infection and autoimmunity, which a special focus on parasites.
Anne's research has been used to generate improved strategies for the treatment of autoimmune pathology and opened up new avenues for potential novel therapies. Through teaching, Anne has also mentored and inspired many early-career scientists into our discipline. Anne was previously Vice-President of the BSI where she also led the BSI Forum. -
Richard Flavell
Fellow of the Royal Society. Member of the National Academy of Sciences and Institute of Medicine. Awarded the Vilcek Prize in Biomedical Science. Sterling Professor of Immunobiology at Yale University. Flavell has focused some of his work on the immune response within the gut, contributing to the knowledge of the gut microbiota, and the diseases that occur because of its dysbiosis. He gave the Keynote Lecture at the BSI Congress 2014.

Sarah Gilbert
Saïd Professor of Vaccinology at the University of Oxford and co-founder of Vaccitech. Sarah specialises in the development of vaccines against influenza and emerging viral pathogens leading the development and testing of a universal flu vaccine. In 2014, she led the first trial of an Ebola vaccine, and has subsequently worked on vaccines against Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever and MERS. She was the key scientist in the development of the adenoviral vectored technology at the Jenner Institute together with Adrian Hill over the years leading to the ChadOx1 platform.
On New Year's Day 2020, she read on ProMED-mail about four people in China suffering from a strange pneumonia of unknown cause, in Wuhan, China thus began an extraordinary effort from her and her team to design and test their COVID-19 vaccine. She received a Dame-hood in the Queen’s Birthday Honours in 2021 for services to science and public health, especially in the pandemic.
David Gray
Professor of Immunology and Head of the Institute of Immunology and Infection Research, University of Edinburgh. Past General Secretary of the British Society for Immunology. Gray’s research focusses on fundamental and cellular immunology. -
Adrian Hayday
Kay Glendinning Professor and Chair in the Department of Immunology at King’s College London. Fellow of the Royal Society, Group Leader at the Francis Crick Institute and until recently, he chaired Cancer Research UK’s science committee. Past President of the British Society for Immunology 2005–2009. Awarded the William Clyde deVane Medal. Hayday’s research spans several fields. He has made crucial contributions to understanding and utilisation of gamma-delta T cells and was also first to identify the molecular basis of oncogene activation in Burkitt’s lymphoma. - Mike Kemeny
Professor of Immunology and Microbiology at National University of Singapore with research particularly focusing on the immune regulatory pathways in the lung. Co-founder and co-director of the Cellular & Molecular Mechanisms of Inflammation Programme within the University.
- Peter Lachmann
President of the Royal College of Pathologists between 1990–1993; Vice President and Biological Secretary of the Royal Society between 1993–1998; Founding President of the Academy of Medical Sciences between 1998–2002. Awarded a Gold Medal from the European Complement Network, the Medicine and Europe Senior Prize. He was knighted for services to medical sciences in 2002. Lachmann’s research primarily focusses on the complement system and microbial immunology.

Teresa Lambe
Associate Professor and a Principal Investigator working at Oxford University's Jenner Institute. Tess works on vaccines for emerging pathogens such as Ebola and Lassa fever and on 10 January 2020 she designed the vaccine for COVID-19 using the ChadOx1 platform. She led the preclinical evaluation and continued to have a key role in the development and validation of detailed immunological assays for analysis in both vaccine volunteers and clinical patients. She received an OBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours in 2021 for services to science and public health, especially in the pandemic. She is taking part in the 2021 Royal Institution Christmas Lectures.
- Foo Yew "Eddy" Liew
Fellow of the Royal Society and Distinguished Professor in Immunology at the University of Glasgow. Liew was first to demonstrate roles of nitric oxide within the immune system, both in the process of killing engulfed pathogens and regulating immune cell differentiation.
- Ravinder Maini
Awarded the Crafoord Prize; Albert Lasker Award for Clinical Medical Research; the Fothergillian Prize from the London Medical Society; Dr. Paul Janssen Award for Biomedical Research and the Ernst Schering Prize. Fellow of the Royal Society. He was knighted for his services to medical research in 2003. Emeritus Professor of Rheumatology at the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, University of Oxford. Maini’s work as a rheumatologist has made dramatic improvement in the quality of life of sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis through the development of the biological therapy, anti-TNF.
Started academic life as a physicist studying nuclear fusion before moving into the field of cellular immunology. Together with Alan Williams and colleagues at the MRC Cellular Immunology Unit in the Dunn School of Pathology in Oxford, he focused on immunological studies using the rat as a model organism. This included generated panels of monoclonal antibodies to key surface molecules, some of which enabled CD4+ T cell subsets to be separated out into those that mediated pathology and identify those CD4+ T cells, regulatory T cells, that controlled them. By targeting antigens to B cells using monoclonal antibodies, he successfully inhibited the development of multiple sclerosis in an animal model. He also showed that genetic differences affecting the neuroendocrine system determined whether rat strains were susceptible or resistance to the induction of demyelinating disease.

Ian MacLennan
Ian MacLennan is a long-standing member and former General Secretary of the British Society for Immunology. He has made he contributions to our understanding of many of the key mechanisms that underpin today’s immunology research. Around the time he first joined the BSI, in 1967, he was undertaking foundational work, published in Nature, on the function of antibodies, which involved the discovery of ADCC, or antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity. This mechanism is crucial to the function of therapeutic antibodies that are such a mainstay of modern medicine today.
He is the former Head of Division of Immunology at University of Birmingham and founded the MRC Centre for Immune Regulation there. Throughout his career, Ian has also made substantial service contribution to the scientific community. He was awarded a CBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List in 2005 and elected as a Fellow of Royal Society in 2012.

Andrew McMichael
Fellow of the Royal Society 1992 and Academy of Medical Sciences 1998. Andrew was knighted for services to medical sciences in 2008. Andrew is particularly known for his work on T cell responses to viral infections such as influenza and HIV and was the first to show that: viral peptides are presented to T cells by HLA proteins on the surface of virally infected cells; that virus specific CD8 T cells are MHC restricted; with Alan Townsend that viral peptides are presented to T cells by HLA proteins on the surface of virally infected cells.
- N Avrion Mitchison
Mitchison conducted important research in the field of transplant immunology and tolerance. Fellow of the Royal Society and member of the National Academy of Sciences. Awarded the Sandoz Prize in Basic Immunology. Founding member of the British Society for Immunology.

Paul Moss
Professor of Haematology and Deputy Head of College of Medical and Dental Sciences at the University of Birmingham. Paul has shown incredible leadership during the pandemic working across the immunology community to coordinate and synergise efforts for COVID immunology work. Working closely with the BSI, he led the development of the UK Coronavirus Immunology Consortium, securing £6.5m to establish and run the consortium for 12 months. Through this he has made a significant contribution to unifying British immunology during a crisis and created a culture where researchers feel comfortable sharing reagents, data and insights in a rapidly evolving field. At the same time he has been recognised as a chief spokesperson for immunology and emerging research working closely with the GCSA Sir Patrick Vallance and co-leading (with Doreen Cantrell) the immunology component of the Government’s National Core Studies initiative in COVID research.
In addition to his outstanding career in immunology research and holding eminent positions such as Chair of the MRC Infection and Immunity Board, Paul has been a strong and trusted leader in the field during the pandemic and, through UK-CIC and NCS, has enabled the community to come together in a collaborative way never seen before.

Allan Mowat
Allan Mowat is Professor of Mucosal Immunology at the University of Glasgow and also worked as a Consultant Clinical Immunologist in an NHS diagnostic laboratory. His principal research involves understanding the factors that control whether the intestine generates active immune responses or develops immunological tolerance, with a particular focus on the functions of dendritic cells and macrophages in the intestinal mucosa.
Over the course of his career, Allan has been a great supporter of the Society and has held many roles within the organisation, most recently serving an eight-year term of office as a Trustee – he has been a much-valued source of experience and expertise on the BSI Trustee Board.
- Anne O'Garra
O’Garra’s research concentrates on the role and regulation of cytokines in the immune response. Fellow of the Royal Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Academy of Medical Sciences. Associate Research Director at the Francis Crick Institute since 2015.
- Bridget Ogilvie
An internationally recognised immunologist/parasitologist working on the immune response to nematodes, she then embarked on a sabbatical with the Wellcome Trust, which led to a change in career path. She became their Director from 1991-1998, which involved overseeing an expansion of their funding schemes as well as the establishment of the Sanger Institute. She has served on many advisory board and committees, including as a Vice Chair of the board of trustees at Sense About Science, and as a trustee of the Science Museum. She was awarded the Kilgerran Prize of the Foundation for Science and Technology in 1994, and was both elected as a fellow of the Royal Society and knighted in 2003, and in 2007, appointed a Companion of the Order of Australia.
- Peter Openshaw
Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, the Academy of Medical Sciences and the Royal Society of Biology. Peter is Professor of Experimental Medicine and an Honorary Consultant Physician at Imperial College London and is an expert in lung immunology, particularly viral diseases caused by RSV and influenza.
Elected as President of the British Society for Immunology in 2013, Peter was the first clinician to hold this role which he did for five years in office. During this time, he oversaw a series of major transformations, including growth in membership and scope, putting our ambitious strategic plan in place and increasing our policy work.

Faith Osier
Faith Osier is a paediatrician scientist from Kenya who has made it her mission to ‘Make Malaria History’. As well as her UK research base at Imperial, with a visiting Professorship in Oxford, she has research groups based in Kilifi in Kenya and Heidelberg in Germany. Her research on malaria focuses on vaccine candidate discovery, antibody correlates of protection and mechanisms of immunity. Her team designed an innovative custom malaria protein microarray, KILchip©, to help identify malaria vaccine candidates, and built a network across Africa to enable the study of 10,000 samples using this technology.
Faith is currently the Co-Director of Imperial College London's Institute of Infection and previously was the President of the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS) – the first African (and only the second woman) president.
She holds multiple international awards including the Royal Society Pfizer Award, the Merle A Sande Health Leadership Award, the Sofia Kovalevskaya prize from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the African Research Leader Award from UKRI-MRC/DFID. She is a TED Fellow and a Fellow of the African Academy of Sciences and we are very pleased to announce this award of BSI Life Membership.
- Andrew Pollard
Professor of Paediatric Infection and Immunology at Oxford University and an honorary consultant paediatrician at Oxford Children’s Hospital. Since 2001 Andrew has directed the Oxford Vaccine and has many years’ experience of leading research on the design, development and clinical evaluation of vaccines in UK, Asia, Africa and Latin America. Apart from when he recuses himself for conflicts, he chairs the UK Department of Health and Social Care’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation and is a member of WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts. He was the chief investigator for the clinical trials of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine in 2020 and he received a knighthood in the Queen’s Birthday Honours in 2021 for services to Public Health, especially in the pandemic.

Fiona Powrie
Director of the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology and Principal Investigator in the Translational Gastroenterology Unit at the University of Oxford. Fiona is well known for her seminal work on regulatory T cells and now works in the translational space examining how the interaction between the intestinal microbiota and the host immune system breaks down in inflammatory bowel disease. She has pioneered gut immunology research and has trained and inspired scores of new immunologists in the field.
Fiona has received numerous awards including the Ita Askonas Award from the European Federation of Immunological Societies for her contribution to immunology in Europe and the Louis-Jeantet Prize for Medicine 2012. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society, EMBO, the Academy of Medical Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences and a Trustee of Wellcome.
- Ivan M Roitt
Conducted important research underpinning autoimmune disease and became Head of the Department of Immunology at University College London 1967–1992. Co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of NALIA Systems.
- Nancy Rothwell
President and Vice-Chancellor of The University of Manchester; Director of AstraZeneca; co-chair of the Council for Science and Technology and past President of the Royal Society of Biology. Fellow of the Royal Society and the Academy of Medical Sciences. Awarded the Royal Society Pfizer Award and a DBE.
- John Savill
Chief Executive of the Medical Research Council; Head of the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine; Vice Principal of University of Edinburgh. He was knighted for his services to clinical science in 2008 . Fellow of the Royal Society. Awarded Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians, the Academy of Medical Sciences and the Royal Society of Edinburgh. A clinician scientist, Savill has made major contributions towards understanding the molecular processes of inflammation.
- Jonathon Sprent
Fellow of the Royal Society and the Australian Academy. Awarded the J.Allyn Taylor International Prize in Medicine plus numerous awards, including the Achievement Award, from the National Health and Medical Research Council. Past President of the American Association of Immunologists. Sprent’s research has focused on the formation and activation of T cells, and their manipulation to enable the tolerance of transplanted tissue.
- Michael Steward
Professor at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, where he founded the MSc in Immunology of Infectious Diseases in 1991. He later became editor of the British Society for Immunology’s journal Immunology for 17 years. His research was focused on antibody affinity, measles, RSV and epitope-based vaccines.

Brigitta Stockinger
Brigitta Stockinger is Senior Principal Investigator and Associate Director at the Francis Crick Institute. She is a molecular immunologist with a focus on how environmental factors can influence processes such as tissue repair and differentiation and immune cell functions.
She is a world leader in the field, as recognised by her keynote lecture at last year’s BSI Congress. She’s made numerous discoveries that have driven the immunology discipline forward, including the discovery of the differentiation factors for Th17 generation and the importance of the transcription factor and environmental sensor, aryl hydrocarbon receptor, in the immune system and beyond.
- Ronald A Thompson
Past editor of the British Society for Immunology’s journal Clinical & Experimental Immunology. First clinical immunologist appointed in the NHS and founder of the Allergy and Immunology Department at Heartlands Hospital. Ronald was the driving force behind the establishment of Birmingham as the leading diagnostic laboratory in the UK. Research interests focus around abnormalities and defects of the immune system implicated in disease.
- Herman Waldmann
Made major contributions to the field of immunology through his studies on immune tolerance in animal models, with particular focus on transplantation tolerance and autoimmunity, in addition to pioneering the use of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies against T cells, resulting in the development of Campath-1H, the first humanised monoclonal antibody to be used therapeutically. Head of the Immunology Division in the Department of Pathology of the University of Cambridge in 1989 and later head of the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology at the University of Oxford in 1994. He was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1990, became a founding fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences in 1998, and has been awarded numerous scientific awards for his contributions to the field of immunology.
Past awardees:
- Brigitte A Askonas
- Baruj Benacerraf
- Leslie Brent
- Robert RA (Robin) Coombs
- Jean Dausset
- Leonard E Glynn
- J R Hobbs
- Eric J Holborrow
- Don Mason
- Delphine Parrott
- John H L Playfair
- John L Turk
- Johannes J Van Rood
- David Weatherall