Following the successful completion of the merger between the BSI and UKPIN, a new network championing clinical immunology was established, the British Society for Immunology Clinical Immunology Professional Network (BSI-CIPN). As agreed in the memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the BSI and UKPIN prior to the merger, the BSI agreed to scope and establish a number of special interest groups that would operate similarly to the interest groups that were previously part of UKPIN. At the meeting of the BSI-CIPN Steering Group on 21 July 2023, it was decided to establish a Special Interest Group on clinical guidelines.
The purpose of the Clinical Guidelines Special Interest Group will be:
- To canvass the opinion of BSI-CIPN members and others working in clinical immunology on subjects on which clinical guidelines should be written in order to encourage best practice
- To create patient centred, evidence-based guidelines to improve the standard of clinical care delivered and ensure that there is a more uniform approach across clinical practice.
Composition and responsibilities
The group will consist of up to 6 members, who must be current members of BSI-CIPN. This includes the Chair, who must be a current member of the BSI-CIPN Steering Group. The members of Clinical Guidelines Special Interest Group will be determined by the Chair on application, after the existence of such opportunities have been advertised to the wider BSI-CIPN membership. To find out more about how to apply, please scroll down to the bottom of this page.
The members of the Special Interest Group should include three consultant clinical immunologists, a postgraduate doctor in clinical immunology specialty training, a clinical/biomedical scientist, and a nurse working in clinical immunology. Each member shall have a 4-year term of office. The Special Interest Group may choose to co-opt additional members from outside BSI membership and clinical immunology in cases where expertise in another specialty or subject matter is required. The group may also co-opt a patient representative, who does not have to be a member of BSI-CIPN, as a full member of the Special Interest Group, with reference to the framework of the BSI’s PPI (Patient and Public Involvement) strategy. The group members will work with the Chair to determine the direction and the activities of the group.
The chair of the Clinical Guidelines Special Interest Group will be responsible for ensuring that the group is carrying out its purposes for which it is set up, for reporting activities to the BSI-CIPN Steering Group and the BSI CEO, who are in turn accountable to the BSI Board of Trustees and complying with all BSI rules, Code of Conduct, and Diversity and Inclusion Framework. It is the personal responsibility of individual members to ensure that they personally comply with the BSI rules, Code of Conduct, and Diversity and Inclusion Framework.
The primary purpose of the Clinical Guidelines Special Interest Group is to formulate guidelines, on issues related to the practice of clinical immunology, that are evidence based and patient centred; the BSI staff team can assist in some of the administrative side of this work. The Special Interest Group and its Chair are responsible for generating ideas for the groups’ activities, as well as liaising with the BSI on setting up group meetings, taking minutes, and executing actions agreed by the group will lie with the group itself and its members.
The budget for the development of clinical guidelines will be agreed on an annual basis in line with the BSI-CIPN budget setting procedure outlined in the MoU. To access this budget, specific projects from the Clinical Guidelines Special Interest Group should first obtain sign off from the BSI-CIPN Steering Group and relevant BSI staff team (as described in MoU). Discussions can then be taken forward with the BSI Director of External Affairs on the resources needed within the available budget.
There is also the opportunity to obtain external funding for the group to work on particular guideline activities. Any external funding must be agreed by the BSI-CIPN Steering Group, its Chair and the BSI CEO, and comply with the BSI’s Industry Policy.