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A guide to vaccinations for adults over 65: references

Reference list for 'A guide to vaccinations for adults over 65'

  1. World Health Organization, Measles (updated December 2019)
  2. University of Oxford, Vaccine Knowledge Project How vaccines are tested, licensed and monitored (updated May 2022)
  3. UK Health Security Agency 2022, The national influenza immunisation programme 2022 to 2023 Information for healthcare practitioners (published September 2022)
  4. World Health Organization, Safety of adjuvants - Squalene (published January 2006)
  5. NHS Pneumococcal vaccine overview (updated February 2019)
  6. University of Oxford, Vaccine Knowledge Project PPV (Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine) (updated May 2022) ​
  7. British Geriatrics Society Vaccination programmes in older people (updated April 2018)
  8. UK Health Security Agency Surveillance of influenza and other seasonal respiratory viruses in winter 2021 to 2022 (updated July 2023)
  9. Mbinta et al. 2022 Post-licensure zoster vaccine effectiveness against herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis The Lancet Healthy Longevity 3 E263-E275
  10. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Shingles Vaccination: What everyone should know (updated May 2023)
  11. UK Health Security Agency Vaccine update: issue 340, July 2023, shingles special edition (updated August 2023)
  12. UK Health Security Agency Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV): The Green Book, chapter 27a (updated October 2024)
  13. NHS England Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults (updated September 2024)
  14. UK Health Security Agency COVID-19: the green book, chapter 14a: Coronavirus vaccination information for public health professionals (updated April 2023)
  15. University of Oxford, Vaccine Knowledge Project FAQs about vaccines (updated January 2022)
  16. Sadarangani, M. University of Oxford, Oxford Vaccine Group 2016 Herd immunity: How does it work? (published April 2016)
  17. UK Health Security Agency Vaccines and porcine gelatine (published October 2022)
  18. NHS Flu vaccine (reviewed August 2023)
  19. NHS About the COVID-19 vaccine (reviewed March 2023)
  20. University of Oxford, Vaccine Knowledge Project Combination vaccines and multiple vaccinations (updated March 2018)
  21. World Health Organization, Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety Thiomersal
  22. European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA) EMEA public statement on thiomersal in vaccines for human use – recent evidence supports safety of thiomersal-containing vaccines (published March 2006)
  23. McKeever et al. 2004 Vaccination and allergic disease: a birth cohort study  Am. J. Public Health 94 985–989
  24. Offit & Hackett 2003 Addressing parents’ concerns: do vaccines cause allergic or autoimmune diseases? Pediatrics 111 653–659