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COVID-19 vaccines

The BSI produces a variety of resources to engage and inform the public about the immunology of coronavirus. Our knowledge of COVID-19 and vaccination is evolving and all materials are accurate at the time of publishing.

The BSI have created a free, easy to read guide on vaccinations for COVID-19 for a public audience.

An information hub, run by the BSI, to provide up-to-date information on UK research efforts on COVID vaccines. This website is funded by UKRI through National Core Studies Immunity. 

Check out our range of infographics to explain more about the science behind COVID-19 vaccines and how they work. 

A variety of videos with BSI members explaining the science of COVID-19 vaccines. 


A variety of colouring in resources, suitable for all ages, to explain more about SARS-CoV-2.

Infographics explaining the different types of COVID-19 testing, how they work and what they can tell us.

We have translated some of our resources on immunity, COVID-19 and vaccines into different languages, to be more accessible to diverse communities.