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COVID-19 vaccines & younger adults

The British Society for Immunology has collaborated with the Royal Society of Biology to address questions and concerns that younger adults may have about COVID-19 vaccines. We aim to provide reliable, evidence-based information on vaccinations for COVID-19 to those who need or want it to help everyone make informed decisions about vaccines and their health. 

We know that younger people have specific questions regarding COVID-19 vaccines and there are many different reasons why they may not feel confident in receiving the vaccine. In this short video some of our members, who are early career scientists studying the immune system and vaccines, tackle common questions. They look into why it’s still important to get the vaccine even if you are young and healthy, or have had COVID-19 before, what side effects to expect, as well as questions about fertility, vaccine production and more.

As COVID-19 vaccine development and the UK vaccination programme continues to evolve, these videos and answers are accurate at the time of recording, in May 20

YouTube Video

Thank you to our members Dr Kym Bain, Laabiah Wasim, Mari Johnson​, Miguel Leon-Rios and Phebe Ekregbesi for the time and expertise provided in producing the video.